Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog Evaluation #2

I posted a little more during this period than the last.  It is difficult to keep track of posts from this period and last, but I believe I have 8 posts this period.  My posts were relatively lengthy last period.  This second period, my posts were shorter at times and included a different voice.  I think my posts became more open to bring up controversy about the drilling industry itself.  I tried to aim for that tone more because I got the impression from you that it would me a more effective blogging/communicating method for the audience.  I also kept up or maybe even slightly increased my used of hyper linking as well as video addition I strayed away from just talking about drilling technologies and developed it more into safety issues and regulations with drilling companies.  I talked about how people have labeled drilling as unsafe and without regard to the environment but provided information that proves otherwise. 

My posts have been lacking in the comment section.  I rarely get comments from classmates, but I have received a few.  Most of my posts are even missing the regular one comment each post from you.  Going outside of class blogs is probably the best way to attract more comments, but I have not done that.  I have responded to comments on my posts which leave questions unanswered to the readers.  I did my best to clearly explain the answer to the best of my knowledge about the subject.  I did keep in mind the comment from your last evaluation feedback and reduced the jargon.  The drilling industry is full of abbreviations and jargon, but I did my best to keep that in mind and reduce the amount of it in my posts.  I had a spurt of commenting on other blogs this period as well.

I commented on approximately 15 different posts.  I was keeping track of all my comments as well as which blogs, but I left my notebook at home and have been stuck at school since this morning.  I checked back with my comments about a week later but did not find many responses by the publisher.  It was rare to find a response so I did not pursue engagement which I maybe should have done.   For this second set of posts, I proofread all of them.  It seems a lot easier for someone who has not written the material to find grammar or spelling errors.  My eyes of course caught all of them when I proofread the posts.  There may be some which you would catch if you were to scan them. 

Overall, I believe I have met the minimum requirements of posts per week and periodical comments on other student’s blogs.  I did a much better job of following my comments this time around as the first run was much unorganized for me.  I think my posts have become more blog material type posts for discussion rather than throwing information at my reader as my first set of blog posts seemed to do.  Gauging on my performance and grade from the first evaluation period, I have improved from it.  I would evaluate my performance at a “B” level for this evaluation.  I look forward to your feedback to learn in which other ways I may improve. 

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